• Performance Critique: June 8

    Updated: 2011-06-28 20:56:48
    An open mic with 8 comics www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPaQXWvM864 0m56s Hit woah harder 5m59s More sarcasm in the delivery Overall: Weak mic response but it’s interesting that I’m trying to do a very long minute act out.

  • Biggest Mistakes Comedians Make When Writing Comedy

    Updated: 2011-06-24 23:56:27
    TweetBy Jerry Corley | Founder – The Stand Up Comedy Clinic Comedy writing is rewarding. There is no better feeling than writing a joke and getting an appreciative laugh. Okay, maybe there is a better feeling but that belongs in a different blog…besides, if I told my wife that the things she does don’t compare . . . → Read More: Biggest Mistakes Comedians Make When Writing Comedy

  • “I’m Getting Bored With My Comedy Writing”

    Updated: 2011-06-11 08:56:23
    TweetBy Jerry Corley | Founder – The Stand Up Comedy Clinic I just had a session with one of my private students at my studio. After he ran some of his material, I asked him what happened to some of the other bits he was working on last time we met. He said, “I’m getting . . . → Read More: “I’m Getting Bored With My Comedy Writing”

  • How To Be a Better Comedian

    Updated: 2011-06-09 22:54:29
    TweetBy Jerry Corley | Founder – The Stand Up Comedy Clinic A young comedian came up to me the other day and asked, “how can be a better comedy writer…I mean, right now?” My first thought was to give him the standard rhetoric about how it’s a process and it takes time, blah, blah, blah. . . . → Read More: How To Be a Better Comedian

  • Is Stage Time the “Only Way” to Learn Comedy?

    Updated: 2011-05-25 10:10:30
    TweetBy Jerry Corley – Founder of the Stand Up Comedy Clinic I just got an email from someone who said, “The only way to learn stand up comedy is stage time.” That’s a common response, but is it really well thought out? I would have to say, “No.” If the comedian is like a surgeon . . . → Read More: Is Stage Time the “Only Way” to Learn Comedy?

  • Comedy Clinic Student To Do Set For Showtime

    Updated: 2011-05-20 01:03:04
    TweetComedian and Stand Up Comedy Clinic student JC Morgan, also winner of the “Funniest Comic in L.A.” contest, was recently asked to appear on Showtime for a special they are shooting on ‘pot’ comedy. JC is a very talented writer and comedian and is a perfect example of a student who works hard and applies . . . → Read More: Comedy Clinic Student To Do Set For Showtime

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May 2011